HEPES is Not Just a Buffer!

HEPES is not just a buffer:There has been a significant interest expressed in the articles published “Mitochondrial Activity and HEPES”. Information and data is being looked at with revised interest. The biological response modifier effects of this compound are significant. The ability to induce hypercellular bone marrow and extramedullary hematopoiesis (including stem cell generation) are important. There are some early reports of increased platelet production as well. The report on myocardial preservation in coronary reperfusion validates earlier work in preventing heart damage. Reports of HEPES removing plaque in Alzheimer’s and the similarities with plaque in chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) urges significant study. (Use in TBI will be studied as well). There is recent validation on the effects on multiple sclerosis. A brief bibliography review will soon be available and will cite a number of articles validating the potential use and effects of HEPES in therapeutics. There are many new and promising techniques and therapies being developed – but there are answers that may have been overlooked. More to follow. #information #data #review #stemcell #articles #study #multiplesclerosis #heart #cte